Both Braden and Jackson are doing well. Braden had another bout of croup this week as he does every month to two months. I am hoping that he will grow out of it soon because the steroids the doctor puts him on for it makes him crabbier than normal. Jackson is growing like a weed though he still seems tiny. At his two week appointment he was up to 8 pounds from just under 7 when we left the hospital. I am taking him to the audiologist this week for a hearing test since he has failed the hearing screening on his left ear 3 times. I am not concerned as Braden didn't pass his hearing tests either initially. We (at least me and the boys) will be off to Iowa this weekend to visit Mom and Dad, the great-grandmas and any one else who we happen to see. I have added new pictures if you want to take a look. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the great weather.
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