Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Long time, no see

I know it has been a long time since I updated the blog. Things have been pretty busy around here. We are in the process of finishing our basement. I am very excited about getting this new space in our house. We figured since we weren't able to sell it, we would stick some money into it and stay awhile. Braden is growing like a weed. He is such a little man and keeps us on our toes and laughing all along the way. The other exciting news is that we are expecting a new addition to our family! I am due the beginning of April but will go at the end of March for a scheduled c-section. We still aren't sure if we are going to find out ahead of time if it is a boy or a girl (it is actually up to Nick to decide). As long as the baby is healthy then that is all we can ask for. Even though it has been awhile that is really all news we have from down our way. I hope to see some of you at Matt and Ann's wedding. Hope you all are healthy and happy. Talk to you soon.


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