I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything but we have been pretty busy. First of all Braden is now 7 1/2 months old, hard to believe. The little tyke is growing like a weed. He was weighed at the doctor's office yesterday and he is up to 21 pounds 12 ounces. Yes he went to the doctor again yesterday. We have been there 4 times in the past 4 weeks. Every time he gets over something he picks up something new. This time it is throat infection. Not to worry for all the parents of the little ones at Denny and Glady's party, he didn't get sick until Tuesday. On top of that I think he is teething. He has become a little drool monster and is constantly pulling on his ear (we know it isn't an ear infection because the doctor has looked the past two visits.) Needless to say our normally happy, smiley little boy isn't so happy and smiley right now.
This past weekend we were in Iowa for my aunt and uncle's (Denny -I got your name right :o) and Glady) party. It was great to see everyone and it is unbelieveable to number of new additions to the family in the past year, with two more still on the way. We came back to Missouri on Monday to get the house ready for company for the 4th of July. We can watch the fireworks from our deck so naturally we have the 4th of July party every year. If any of you are ever in the area on the 4th you are more than welcome to come to the party and watch the fireworks. Braden did watch the fireworks and he wasn't scared by all the noise, but that could be because he was sick.
Two weeks ago we went to get Braden's pictures taken and also get some family pictures taken. Here is the link if you are interested. You will need to type in Angie Creech in the customer name field in order to look at them.
https://www.smilesbywire.com/home.asp?AC=LTP70301071030JCPI have also added a new album July 2006 with new pictures from the past few weeks.
I also want to add that we have a new addition to the Creech family. Emma Marie was born on June 27. She is a beautiful little girl with lots of hair. Congratulations to Jerry, Tiffany and big brother Austin on your new little girl.
Well I better get going. Last night was a long night up with Braden and I am exhausted. Hope everyone has a great week.