Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Nick and I just got back from an amazing 7 day cruise. It was our first cruise and I doubt it will be our last. We had such a great time with some amazing people. We saw some amazing places, swam at some amazing beaches and even went snorkeling! Well Nick did anyway...I tried it but it wasn't for me. We are so blessed that we had this opportunity and hope that next time we can take the boys because they would love it. If you are even remotely thinking about taking a cruise....do it, you won't regret it.

Checking in...

Obviously a lot has happened since I last wrote anything. Braden turned 5....unbelieveable! I can't believe he is five years old. How is it possible that he is now old enough to go to kindergarten? Where has the time gone? And on top of that Jackson turned 3! How was it already 3 years ago since he entered the world?

Everyone tells me that times goes fast and it is so true. How can my babies be growning up so fast? They do amazing things everyday and it makes me sad to think that I am not going to remember it all. Right now they are so funny, so frustrating and so loving. While they can definitely be challenging at times, how it is possible that this stage of their lives is going to be gone in a blink of an eye?

When I get upset with them, I try to make myself stop and realize that this is part of them growing up to be the amazing men I know that they are going to be. Maybe I need to take a que from Amber and start writing 5 things every day that I appreciate or want to remember. Maybe by doing that I will be able to look back one day and remember these very special times in all of our lives.