Monday, January 18, 2010

Long time no see

Ok I know it has been about 8 months since I have posted anything....I am definitely not as consistent as my sister...what else is new.

Well obviously lots have happened since May but I will start in October, because quite honestly, I don't remember back that far.

October started with Amber, Bob, Brianna and Bryce visiting us. We went to the pumpkin patch and the kids got to paint their own pumpkins (see October 09 pictures). They had a lot of fun with it and in the end, they ended up painting themselves as well.

That Sunday Amber and I drove to Mom and Dad's to help them get ready to move. However, at 6:30 Monday morning I was back in the car driving back home because Braden had a high fever. He actually ended up having Influenza A, so instead of my week off being back in Iowa I was instead home with everyone because Nick's company didn't want him to come into work either. After that very long week, things seemed to get back to normal, at least for a while.

Halloween we went to Mom and Dad's to help them move. Braden went as Harry Potter and Jackson went as Pablo from the Backyardigans. We went tricking or treating with the Wolfe family and the Carroll family. The kids seemed to have lots of funny, after the crankiness of no naps finally wore off.

October and November brought lots of sickness to our house. Actually now that I say that December and January have also brought lots of illness as well. Jackson and Nick have occasionally gotten sick but Braden gets sick (usually with a fever) every 2-3 weeks. Apparently Influenza A totally wiped out his immune system and he gets every little bug.

Anyway, the end of November brought Braden's 4th birthday. It is so hard to believe he is 4 already. He is constantly keeping us on our toes with the things he says and does. He is amazing kid and too smart for his own good most of the time! We had a birthday party at the house and Amber made a wonderful Scooby-Doo cake for Braden. See the picture in the November pictures.

December brought Christmas and us making the trip to Iowa in time to avoid yet another winter storm. The kids were thrilled with all their gifts and getting to spend time with their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents.

Now as many of you know, our boys have never been small kids but apparently we don't feed them enough. Take a look at the December pictures and you will see what I mean. Apparently Jackson was absolutely starving because he decided that markers might make a good snack. I guess we need to feed him more often.

Jackson definitely keeps us constantly going. He is the daredevil in the family. He is not afraid of anything and that means that the name Felton, as in Jackson Felton!, gets used in our house a lot. Needless to say, he is such a sweetheart and even we you are so mad at him all he has to do is look at you with those big brown eyes and you can't stay mad for long. He is talking constantly and his vocabulary gets bigger every day.

New Year's day we had Christmas with Nick's family. Again the boys got way to many toys but everyone had a great time.

Well that pretty much brings us up to date. Tomorrow is a dentist appointment for Braden and since he is now at the 2 week mark since he has been sick, we are just waiting for the next round.

Well we are getting ready to watch the Backyardigans Might Knights for the third time today and I would hate to miss it. Check out the new pictures if you get a chance (October - January).

Now that I have a laptop I am going to try to be better about posting more often but I am not promising anything since the 3 boys in the house seems to use it more than me...go figure!